Idris - Use implicit variable inside function -
How can we use an inherent variable inside a function? Reducing the simplest possible case, it is possible that: : Is there a way to use values from inside? Or is it like asking for In this case, is it possible to prove that Actually there is no such variable You obviously need to bring the underlying variable in the scope: It is possible to see them in the IDRRL:
while interpreting the right hand of the representative: no such variable n
n inside
sin n ?
Vect is a "bijection" and can recover the variable from there?
n because it is surrounded by pattern matching is not.
dim: vector no -> gt; Net Dame (NIT) vec = n
*> : Setsplicats * & gt; Set: Tee Dive Main .Dem: {n: Prelide. met. Net} - & gt; {A: type} - & gt; (__P__Rarg: Prelude.Wate. Search A) - & gt; Prelude.Nat.Nat
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