Selenium Customise Xpath -
I bring all the elements of the page using driver.findElements (By.xpath ....
In a page we as shown below Xpath is produced randomly:
// * [@ id = 'ContentPlaceHolder1_dataListSessionTime_lblCinemasName_0'] / span // * [@ id = 'ContentPlaceHolder1_dataListSessionTime_lblCinemasName_1'] / span // * [@ id = 'ContentPlaceHolder1_dataListSessionTime_lblCinemasName_2'] / span and so on ..
I like the elements present on a Need to calculate the number of pages
I am trying to use exposed / code as shown below.
* = xpath; Represent the beginning with the character.
string MovieCinemas = // * [@ id * = 'ContentPlaceHolder1_dataListSessionTime_lblCinemasName_ List & lt; WebElement & gt; Elements = driver.findElements (By.xpath ("")); Println ("number of elements found:" + elements.size ()); I am unable to calculate the elements. Lso throws an exception, unable to find the element.
You () instead function in XPath: < pre class = "lang- Java prettyprint- override"> string xpath = "// * [starts-with (@ id, 'ContentPlaceHolder1_dataListSessionTime_lblCinemasName_')] / span"; & Lt; WebElement & gt; Element = Driver. Find Elements (Bye xpath); System.out.println ("The number of elements found:" + elements.size ());
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