java - OpenX login Error -

I have been using OpenX for a while.

I tried to log in to my admin now, it keeps retaining this error. My cookies are enabled and tried different browsers, but I keep the same errors. / Home / highsch / public_html / adserver / lib / max.php line 223 Strict criteria: non-static method OA ::

  Strict standards: non-static method PEAR :: setErrorHandling () Debug () should not be called statically, it must be in linear reference to $ line / 138 in strict reference in / home / highsch / public_html / adserver / lib / max. Aerirhandler.ppp: non-static method log :: singleton () Should not be called statistically, assume it with an incompatible reference to $ 149 at /home/highsch/public_html/adserver/lib/OA.php. Strict Benchmark: Non-static method log :: factory () should not be called statically, it should not be called $ / 99 / static method: PEAR:: Error () should not be called statically, in this incompatible reference $ / Home / highsch / public_html / adserver / / 156   

Can anyone help me?

After updating to PHP 5.4.x, OpenX will show those errors.

You can solve this problem by modifying the correctly methods: function setErrorHandling ($ txt) {


  Public static function setAerhardling ($ txt) {  

But it takes a long time, so strict notifications To do this, it may just be to change error_reporting to replace your code, to do so, just edit and change the init.php file in your root directory

  error_reporting (E_ALL ^ ​​E_NOTICE ^ E_WARNING ^ E_DEPRECATED); Error_reporting (E_ALL & ~ E_NOTICE & amp; ~ E_WARNING & ~ E_DEPRECATED & amp; ~ E_STRICT) from   


Do not forget to update the maintenance script. It is not included in the ITAT called by a chronobj and init.php file.

  Strict standards: non-static method OX_Admin_Timezones :: getTimezone () should not be called statically   

Update this file:

  openx / scripts / maintenance / / / Maintenance.php   

and error_reporting at the top of the file.

  #! / Usr / bin / php -q error_reporting (E_ALL & ~ E_NOTICE & amp; ~ E_WARNING & amp; ~ E_DEPRECATED & amp; ~ E_STRICT);   

These instructions are taken from


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