html - Custom CSS Cursor not working in some areas? -

OK, so I'm trying to challenge myself in my HTML / CSS class by adding custom cursor to all pages .

I have worked on it but it seems that randomly preventing custom cursors, and becomes default instead?

I am using CSS for this:

  * {cursor: url ("image.gif") 33 33, auto; }   

I created the & lt; Span & gt; , and this is not deciding for me.

I also tried to set the cursor in the body {} and it did not fix it.

Any help would be appreciated! I went to Gogul and searched for more than 2 hours to find the answer that worked on the site.

To post the site below so that you can see what I mean. (IE will not show cursor, yet unsure about safari or opera)


A small version of my index.html And my main.css which recreates the problem here:

   & Lt; Title & gt; Gundam Base & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body bgcolor = "# 000000" & gt; & Lt; H1 & gt; & Lt; Center & gt; Gundam Base & lt; / Center & gt; & Lt; / H1> & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt;   


  * {cursor: url ("gundam.gif") 33 33, auto; } Body {font-family: effects; Font-size: 1.5vw; Text align: center; Color: # cc 3300; Background Image: URL ('bg.jpg'); Background repeat: do not repeat; Background size: cover; Status: Relative; Top: 0; Left: 0; Z-index: -5000; Background-attachment: scroll background-color: black; }    

Add a div with the following styles after the body tag: relative; Width: 100%; Min-height: 600px; Cursor: url ("gundam.gif"), auto ::

Keep all your other content in the above device, let me know that it works.


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