sql - Where do I put the collation clause? -

Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text">

Please see the query below:

  Select IDNumber as ciscrimeurn as opposed to SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, In the form of WID nicheoccurrenceid, projection filing non enococurrenceFilo FOR [RMSLiv \ sql2005]. NICRMS_Lite.WTLLOSOSO.SIICIIINNIIINNNIRISLSL SISIS Ciscrimeurn, id as nicheoccurrenceid, occurrencefileno as nicheoccurrencefilno fROM [rmslive \ sql2005]. NICRMS_Live.dbo.tbl_goccurrence WHERE ID '9 030 9955%' Unlike ', compile CISIDNumber except SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, OccurrenceID, OccurrenceFileNo FROM dbNicheCIS   

There are separate matches for NIHRMS_Live and DBNCH . Both are SQL Server databases.

ciscrimeurn, a varchar is nicheoccurrenceid is a decimal and OccurenceFileNo is an integer. I do not understand where to put the match segment.

itemprop = "text">

after you want to change the column matching

  SELECT columnName COLLATE COLLATION_NAME From PhoneName    


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