angularjs - dynamically setting kendo window title and content in angular then open window when a button on the form is clicked -
Here is the basic scenario: Next to some of my farm fields, I have a small button with a question mark image. If the user clicks the button, then I want to display the help message for that particular field, using the Condo window. I want to set the Title of the model window in the relevant form field name, and I want to set the window content with the help message for that field
The code below is the example I would like to create:
If you click on the I need to start a function in my controller, which will replace To set the dynamically "path of angles" is the title and content of that model modal window on which the user is seeking help and then opens the window is? I already have help content in a local object; There is no need to bring it through Ajax You can do the following: Note that The minute you created k-window = "win2" worte a scope variable was made to refer to this window. ng-click button, then the
Open () method of the window-window is being applied but the title is static From the
k-title is set to the variable of that circle Turned to progress.
$ scope.helpTitle and
$ scope.helpContent in that form field On the basis the user is asking, and then open the window.
$ scope.DlgOptions = {modal: true, title: "My rightful title", width: 1080, view: wrong, dragable: incorrect, pinned: correct, resizable : False}; $ Scope.win2.setOptions ($ scope.splashDlgOptions); $ (); $ ();
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