Format dates in Javascript -

I have to log my error with some error, for that I am using the following code:

  var dLogDate = new date (); Console.log (dLogDate.toString (). Substring (4) + ',' + dLogDate.toGMTString (). Substring (4));   

According to the code output given above it is as good as what follows, but I do not need it:

  "10 October 2014 12:48: 59 GMT + 05:30 (IST), 10 October 2014 07:18:59 GMT "I want   

as follows:

 " October 10, 2014 12:48: 59 (IST), 10 October 2014 07:18:59 (GMT) "  

Watch before the date", ". I need to instal 10th October of 10th October

Can be done with some functions that are transferring 4 characters from string and contrast to third position, but I'm still curious to know if there is any other easy way to do this? I do not want to use any third party's library / script.


You can use date format format date

Var Medium Index = date.getMonth (); Var dayIndex = date.getDay ();

var monthArray = ['Jan', ....]; Var dayArray = ['Sunday', ...]

console.log (Monthly [Month Index] + "-" + Day [Day Index]);


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