elasticsearch - Docker ADD then RUN -
I'm creating a Docker Image for our specific implementation of an elastic search server. It requires config file in my dockerfile , I have the following commands:
RAN MKDIR / AddLolastic Web / Plugins Plugins / es_plugins.tar / run elasticsearch / plugins \ cd / logical search / plugin & amp; \ Tar -xvf es_plugins.tar & amp; Amp; \ Rm -f es_plugins.tar Docker build succeeds on mkdir, and ADD. But a wire error "es_plugins.tar: can not fail: there is no such file or directory"
This is my first time with the Docker Any idea why "ADD" looks successful but runs Fails? It took an hour, but I found out how to run my container and drop it into a shell.
it happens.
It seems that when I "ADD file.tar / destination / dir" it actually transfers files / directories inside the tar within the destination. What I wanted is that, but I'm surprised I have to do more research.
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