
Showing posts from January, 2011

c# - Change dicom Transfer Syntax showing no registered codec using mDCM -

I'm having trouble with changing the transfer syntax. I am using the mdcm library and I have also added the dcom.codecdl for this project. Compressed files in 0002,0010, transfer syntax UID = 1.2.840.10008. (JPEG 2000 image compression (lossless only)). Error: The Dcom Codex was caught. There is no registered codec for transfer syntax! My code: string file = "c: \\ dcom \\ 1001.dcm"; String output = "c: \\ dcom \\ dmprocessed \\ 1001.dcm"; Deccomfile formatFF = new decfile format (); Ff.Load (file, decome.demmRaid option default); Ff.ChangeTransferSytnax (DicomTransferSyntax.ExplicitVRLittleEndian, null); // Here error No registered codec for transfer syntax! D.Com. Imaging Diamond Image IM = New Diacom. Imaging Diamond image (FF dataset); System.Drawing.Image i = im.Render (); I.Save (Production); The other thing I have noticed is that tag 7FE0,0010, pixel data = 0 . For other Dicom files, the pixel data tag should have values ​​gre...

linq - include keyword not providing filter with extension method -

I want to use the keyword with some selection like this: context Categories (C => c.products) I searched the Internet and found the following method: Public static class ObjectQueryExtension {public Fixed ObjectQuery & lt; T & gt; Include & lt; T & gt; (This objectivity should include & lt; T & gt; Mainclline, Expression & lt; Func & lt; T, Object & gt; & gt; subselector) {mainQuery Include (Subscriber Options as Sub-Selector.) System. Reflection.PropertyInfo) .name); }} When I pasted this project in my project and when I was typing context.category.include () // So it's just looking like the parameter to use the string: context.category.include (""); // like this I want to use keywords like this: context.Categories.Include (c => c.products ) Can any organization tell me about this problem ??? You have to enter the property in this extension as a string Method: context.category.include...

sql server - Find all table names with column name? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब मैं सभी कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूँ तालिका नाम जहां दिए गए स्तंभ का नाम मौजूद है? मुझे एसक्यूएल सर्वर में "पसंद" वाले नाम चाहिए। उदाहरण के लिए: - तालिका नाम चुनें जहां '% MyColumn%' जैसे कॉलमनाम ' कृपया मेरी मदद करें कृपया नीचे की क्वेरी का प्रयास करें विवरण प्राप्त करने के लिए sys.column का उपयोग करें: - का चयन करें के रूप में colName, c.object_id = t.object_id पर sys.column c JOIN sys.tables t से तालिकानाम। '% MyCol%' जैसे सी। नाम

html - Menu won't center -

I have a menu on WordPress that I'm trying to center, but it does not centrestage itself if I have a margin It does nothing, but it does nothing, but when a certain number is determined, it does, but it does not exactly align in contrast to using auto. css .menu {width: auto; Swim left; Display area; } #navcontainer {display: inline; Padding: 0px; Margin: 0 px; / * - 8px 0 0 10px; * / List-style: none; Status: Relative; Z-index: 1; Swim left; Height: 20px; Width: 100%; } HTML & lt; Section class = "twelve column text-center" style = "background: transparent;" & Gt; & Lt; Div class = "menuimg" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "navcontainer" & gt; & Lt ;? Php wp_nav_menu (array ('sort_column' = & gt; 'menu_order', 'container' = & gt; wrong, '...

java - Why does bulk load causes indexing on Couchbase Server? -

I am reading bulk data from a Couchbase bucket and putting this bulk data in another bucket. I'm using the CouchBase Java SDK 1.4.4 version. I am using the idea to read the entire data. I am using the set API to insert data. After putting all the data in the couchbase, I'm closing the CouchBase client. The data is inserted into the couchbase, but as soon as it is inserted, it starts indexing the data, which I can see from the sofa base web console. According to the sofa base documentation, when we read the figures, indexing should be started based on the STALE parameter. Another issue I have linked to, in my Java application console, it shows a lot of warnings that indexing has not been done. jvm 1 | Warning [Operation Future] The exception was thrown, which was running on com.couchbase.client.CouchbaseClient $ 15.operationComplete () jvm 1 | Java.lang.IllegalStateException: Closed jvm 1 | Net.spy.memcached.MemcachedClient.broadcastOp ( telugu98...

javascript - CKeditor Inline: repeats paragraph ids -

मैंने अनुमति दी है कॉन्फ़ेंट में सम्पत्ति संपत्ति config.allowedContent = "true" यह मुझे संवेदीयोग्य डिवीज के अंतर्गत पैराग्राफ में आईडी जोड़ने देता है। हालांकि, अब जब भी मैं कंटेटेक्टेबल डिवेल के अंदर कुंजी दर्ज करता हूं, एक ही आईडी के साथ एक नया पैराग्राफ उत्पन्न होता है। मुझे एट्रीटिंग में दर्ज करने के बाद मान लिया जाएगा कि किसी भी एड्स के बिना एक नया अनुच्छेद सम्मिलित किया जाना चाहिए, लेकिन ऐसा लगता है कि आईडी पहले से उत्पन्न पैराग्राफ से कॉपी की गई है। क्या इस से बचने का कोई तरीका है? इसे आज़माएं यह बुलेट सबूत नहीं है, लेकिन अच्छी तरह से पर्याप्त काम करता है यद्यपि मैंने इसे लिखा था, मैं इसे पसंद करता हूं, यदि आप उस पर सुधार करते हैं, तो कृपया प्रेम साझा करें;) editor.on ('key', function (evt) {// only अगर संपादक स्रोत मोड में नहीं है। यदि (editor.mode === 'source') {return;} // दर्ज करें कुंजीकोड 13 है अगर ( === 13) {// यदि हम getStartElement भी कहते हैं जल्द ही, हम गलत तत्व कभी-कभी सेट करें टाइमआउट (फ़ंक्शन () (var ...

c - what to do with page fault from copy_from_user()? -

मेरे पास निम्न सिस्टम कॉल है: लंबे do_print (int n, char * p) ) {चार टीएमपी [एन]; // आरेखित सरणी n बाइट्स इंट रेट = कॉपी_फ्रेम_यूसर (टीएमपी, पी, एन); If (! Ret) {// टीएमपी के साथ कुछ करना} रिटर्न रिट; } जो n & gt; 5000 के लिए गैर-शून्य मान देता है (मुझे पृष्ठ दोष की वजह से लगता है)। मैं कॉपी को सफल होने के लिए कैसे बाध्य कर सकता हूं? दूसरे शब्दों में, यदि मैं सिस्टम कॉल को शून्य-शून्य मान देता है तो मुझे क्या करना चाहिए? एक बड़ा आवंटन स्टैक पर सरणी आपको कुछ नहीं करना चाहिए, या वास्तव में ऐसा कर सकता है लिनक्स कर्नेल एक छोटे स्टैक के साथ चल रहा है, आमतौर पर 2 मेमोरी पेज। समान रूप से अधिक खतरनाक यह है कि अगर आपका चार टीएमपी [एन]; एक n पर निर्भर करता है जो कि यूजर स्पेस से आता है, उपयोगकर्ता को संभावित रूप से कर्नेल को क्रैश करने देता है ऐसी स्थिति में, आपको स्टैक पर बफर का उपयोग करने के बजाय स्मृति को गतिशील रूप से आवंटित करना होगा। यदि आप copy_from_user () विफल हो जाते हैं, तो उपयोगकर्ता ने झूठ बोला है कर्नेल, और कर्नेल में कुछ गड़बड़ा कर चुका है। इसे संभा...

ios - Swift singleton tests -

I am trying to learn tests with quick and nimble and I have written simple singleton and some tests Singleton: Public Class Location Manager: NSObject {// Singleton Public Square var sharedInstance: Location Manager [struct static {static var example: LocationManager? Static Vane Token: dispatch_once_t = 0} dispatch_once (& static .token) {Static.instance = LocationManager ()} Return Static.instance! }} My test: class space manager speak: quickspace {override funk speck () {description ("location manager") {locationmizer = location The Manager. ShareInstance Reference ("Start") {This ("is not zero") {Hope (locationManager) .notTo (beNil ())} This is ("unique") {go to tempLocationManager = locationManager () Expect (locationManager) .notTo Execute (tempLocationManager)}} ("more shared examples") {go to tempLocationManager = LocationManager.sharedInstance (locationManager). Campaign (equal (tempLocationManager)}}}}}} ...

matlab - Fortran minimization of a function with additional arguments -

In the Fortune I have an external customization routine that takes input as function f (x) And gives the starting point and value for the local minimum, for example if the function is called minimal: minimum (f, x0, xopt) The problem is that I need at least the function some additional logic that is not part of the least routine: f (x, data) . How can I remove this issue? In the mailback I will use anonymous function g = @ (x) f (x, data) min (g, X0, xopt) Although I understand in Foreign 9, there is no unknown function. Thank you. You do not need anonymous tasks for this. Your Matlab example is not anonymously at the end, it has a name g . There are great uses of Fortran's internal functions (Fortran 2008 feature, but supported in gaurtran and earport, not supported in Solaris studio): call min (live , X0, xopt), real function g (x) real, int (in) :: xg = f (x, data) end function end

mysql - How to configure my.cnf in 5.6.17? -

On the production server (linux machine mysql 5.6.17), I tried to search for system variables , But My.cnf /etc/my.cnf was not in place. It was in the USR / directory Also in that file only comments are as follows - Remove # major # and most important data Set the quantity of RAM for # # MySQL starts with 70% of total RAM for dedicated server and 10% please tell me my.cnf I can copy and how can I change the variables like - innodb_buffer_pool_size = 200M max_connections = 300 There are several ways in which you can modify the global variable. Its Mary. In the Cf file, add / edit values ​​under the [mysqld] block; [mysqld] innodb_buffer_pool_size = 200M max_connections = 300 Then restart the mysqld daemon to change the change. Run a query You can run the following questions to change the values ​​of those variables, but once the mysqld daemon restarts / reboots the server / Etc. will be reset. SET global innodb_buffer_pool_size = 200M; Set glob...

php create global object, load class <- in function -

& lt; php वर्ग हैलो {सार्वजनिक फ़ंक्शन गूंज} {वापसी 'omg'; }} समारोह दुनिया () {वैश्विक $ a; $ A = नया हैलो (); } विश्व(); $ एक करने के लिए & gt; गूंज (); मैं इस विचार को कैसे लागू कर सकता हूँ? यह संभव है? क्या यह आप की उम्मीद कर रहे हैं .. मेरे विचार में कृपया फ़ोकस नाम के रूप में गूंज का उपयोग करने की कोशिश न करें .. वर्ग हैलो {सार्वजनिक फ़ंक्शन प्रदर्शन () {वापसी 'ओमजी'; }} समारोह दुनिया () {वैश्विक $ a; $ A = नया हैलो (); } विश्व(); प्रतिध्वन करें $ a- & gt; डिस्प्ले ();

sql server - Prepared data with swapping or multiple joins each time? -

Please, explain it with an example: You need to show real information Is a customer about a product's price The final value is the way to buy customer privacy, their location, the product of the current product and the seller. The quantity of products is above 10 billion, apart from that you should show price in different currency. And the last problem is that the seller sends a lot of prices on their products every day, so that you can apply the whole day (updated) due to a lot of positions, while the customer does not want to wait until Do not update all of you and want to know the current value (I know that it is impossible, but what do I mean - that a customer should not see such messages: "Forgive Yes, you have to wait until all prices are updated "). What do I want I want to split a table ThePrice (productId, vendorId, usdPrice) , Which is every time a customer creates a query, then select from that way .... Join thePrice p Inner vendors v ... ...

mysql - Microsoft SQL resetting ID auto increment -

I am using Microsoft SQL Server 2012 and I am trying to reset my table primary key ID In its sequential way Some know that it will be better to leave, but I want to find a way to do it. Use in SQL Server 2008 There is a command to do, and should be similar to 2012: DBCC Investigator ("YourTableNameHere", RESEED, 1); And if you want it in MySQL or T-SQL syntax, then it is not very clear.

php - Bash: Search for files with same name in different folders and execute them -

मैं हर wp-cron.php को मेरे / Var / www / उपशीर्षक मेरे अंदर / var / www / कई वेबसाइट हैं, इसलिए मैंने ऐसा कुछ करने की कोशिश की: / var / www / -path * / wp-cron खोजें Php -exec php -q "{}" \; लेकिन अन्य फ़ाइलों को निष्पादित किया जाता है, जो wp-cron.php से संबंधित नहीं है। ऊपर दिए गए आदेश में क्या गलती है? सही ढूंढें को खोजने के लिए Wp-corn.php का उपयोग -नाम या -नाम विकल्प: / var / www / -नाम 'wp-cron.php' -exec php -q "{}" \;

angularjs selected item not visible in dropdown -

मेरे पास एक जटिल ऑब्जेक्ट है listItems = [{"id": 1 , "नाम": "myname1"}, {"id": 2, "name": "myname2"}, {"id": 3, "name": "myname3"}]; मैं उपरोक्त सूची से विकल्प बनाना चाहता हूँइस तरह से यह दिखता है & lt; चयन करें & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "1" & gt; myname1 & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "2" & gt; myname2 & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "3" & gt; myname3 & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; / चयन & gt; मैंने इस कोण के कोड का इस्तेमाल किया है, इसकी सही HTML कोड तैयार की है, लेकिन जो भी मैं ड्रॉपडाउन में चुनता हूं वह चयन बॉक्स के अंदर नहीं दिखाया जाता है & lt; select एनजी-मॉडल = "आईआईएलआईएसटी" एनजी-ऑप्शंस = "मद। आईआईडी के रूप में आइटम में। सूची में आइटम के लिए। आइटम से ट्रैक करता है आईआईडी" / & gt; मान लें कि listItems है $ scope में है & l...

css - Blend background colors as they're set -

Text after "itemprop =" text "> Everyone likes is odd and there is a slightly different background to improve the orientation of rows even in the table when: But occasionally, the columns Also need to highlight: Can I do a trick for those two settings automatically mixing? You know, I can set up two colors for each class manually: tr: nth-child (odd) td {background-color: #CFDCFF; } Tr: nth-child (even) td {background-color: # E2E4E4; } Tr: nth-child (weird) td.result {background-color: # ??????; } Tr: nth-child (even) td.result {background-color: # ??????; } But the automation code will be more readable. itemprop = "text"> after I browsed browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox), brown and blue colors for rows It was possible to apply the background, and then to overlay a slightly transparent yellow and green background on the table cells. It looked terrible though: tr: nth-child (strange) {background color: # CFDCFF; } Tr: nth-c...

c# - Xamarin.form setpage not worked second time -

I create a new mobile app using the xamarin form. I have to create two page login screens and home screens. I get a sample from but when I make the same one can not go to another page. It always keeps the login page. In my Android main activity code Public category Main Activity: Android Attachment, Login Manager {Secure Override Uncharted (Bundle Bundle) {base.OnCreate (bundle); Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init (this, bundle); SetPage (App.GetLoginPage (this)); // Setpage (App.GetLoginPage (this)); } #region ILoginManager Implementation Public Zero ShowMainPage () {Set Page (App.GetHomePage (this)); } Public Zero Logout () {Set Page (App.GetLoginPage (this)); } #endregion} The setPage method is called the second time but the page content has not been replaced by any one There is a work around the second set page problem with Android. Create a second interface and start a new activity instead of using the page set on existing activity where new activity sets the on-crayt pag...

forms - Pass php variable to another php page -

Is my unique $ comment-> comment_id; Is it possible to pass to another php file? I need the same ID for that input button for li When clicked, I will call the variable php "/ model / editcomment.php" . and & Lt; Ul class = "comment-button-holder-ul" & gt; & Lt; Li id = "& lt ;? php $ comment-> Comment_id ;? & gt;" Class = "edited-btn" & gt; & Lt; Form action = "/ model / editcomment.php" method = "post" & gt; & Lt; Input & gt; "Type" "Submit" value = "edit" & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; using post you've got a form . Use hidden input. & lt; Input type = "hidden" name = "comment_id" value = "& lt; php echo $ comment-> comment_id; $ intCommentId = (isset ($ _ POST ['comment_id '] And ]) and ctype_digit (string) $ _PO...

tomcat - ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR when accessing phpmyadmin on my openshift domain -

I tried to add an applet from my Windows PC but in the meantime I failed. So I found and just added a 3/4 command to buy to buy it successfully (I also gave the application tomcat .) I need a mysql database, even though mysql-5.5 and tomcat app cartridge for phpmyadmin-4 mysql is working well because i have used it remotely by using potty. But when I go to the phpmyadmin link (like ) I gave the user name and password and gave me the SSL connection error . Is this possible because I have added a DIY application.? How can I access phpmyadmin now? ** I noticed that after going to the login page, the connection information near the url in Chrome said that the identity is verified and the connection is encrypted but when I Go connection information has not been verified and the connection has not been encrypted. ** To know the problem I have another jboss EWS2.0 added the project and created mysql and php myad...

mysql - cannot add entity data model (EF6) -

Has anyone tried to use ATIT Framework 6.1.1 in late new project with MySQL? My point is that whenever I try to add an entity data model, I get this error message every time: "Your project unit references the latest version of the framework ; Nevertheless, an entity framework database provider could not find this connection to your data connection compatible with it. Exit this wizard, install a compatible provider, and do this before performing your Rebuild the project " I am using MySQL Server 5.6 21 plus I have both mysql-connector-net-6.9.4 and mysql-for-visualstudio-1.2.3 installed. Along with those people, I have installed all MySQL NuGet packages developed by Oracle. But whenever I rebuild the application, everything still fails. Development Environment Win 8.1 Pro VS-2013 Pro Net Framework 4.5.1 EF is on MySQL Local Host. This is the answer that used to work for me, however, after following those instructions, the dialog box disappears altogether....

scala - Method that add and remove an element from a List -

I am writing a method that takes a list: list [[string, ante]] x: (string, int) and n: int parameter and a list represents [[string, int]] list parameter Input list indicates element to add to the x element list; n indicates the maximum dimension of the list. The method is the following behavior: Firstly check that there are n elements in the list. If the list is low, add the x element to the list. If in the list, x code extract the minimum element from the list of rules, and add the x element to the list. I have applied the method as: def method (list: list [(string, int)], x: (string , Int), n: int) = {if (list.size & lt; N) list: + x other {var index = 1 var min = 10000000 // some large numbers (L & L; - 0 in the list. ) {If (list (el) ._ 2 & lt; x._2 & amp; Amp; list (L) ._ 2 One of the more express ways to express this behavior Method exists ?? def method (list: list [[string, ante]], x: (string, int), en: int = {if...

tuples - Difference between nil and () in Swift -

I noticed that empty tuple () is used to represent the absence of value in Swift, for example, a The signature of the function, which does not return anything, is: func zz () {println ("zz")} Also accept this body for the version: func zz () {println ("zap") returns () // return () and returning nothing is the same thing is! } This will be the same method of defining the function: func zz () - & gt; There is also a typo for the zero () (zero): Typical zero = () / code> If there is absence of value in empty tubal swift, then is there any relation? Why do we need both concepts? zero is a special value that you have an optional which means that there is no value in the alternative. zero is not really the absence of a value, it is a special value, which means there is no fair value () means something Even not returned (or in passed), even an alternative, there is no return value, nor can it ever be that you can not do any...

javascript - .id() method failing on jQuery selector -

Using jquery, trying to create a function based on id which creates a divide slide below $ ('meet-the-team') .on ('click', function () {var member = $ (this) .id (); var parts = Member. Split (); var id = parts [parts.length - 1]; $ ("member-profile #profile" + id) .slideDown ();}); & lt; Script src = ""></script> & Lt; Div class = "pure-living meeting-the-team" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "net-u-1-4 meeting-the-team -a" id = "member-one" & gt; A & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "net-u-1-4 meeting-the-team-b" id = "member-a" & gt; B & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "net-u-1-4 meeting-the-team-c" id = "member-a" & gt; C & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "net-u-1-4 meeting-to-team-d" id = "member-one" & gt; D ...

javascript - Adding image and changing text font size in PopupPanel not working -

I have a code in the popup panel for Google Apps Script, except for adding all other property image and changing text font size Are working. I have to add a small image just below the label text and I have created the Parma link for this image to have the option of "Anyone can view the link". I used the img src property for the image and text size fontSize for the image. Here's my code: var app = UiApp.createApplication (); // Create a popup panel and set it in the mod Var PopupPanel = app.createPopupPanel (); PopupPanel.add (app.createHTML ("Your application has been submitted successfully! Please! I used the dots in the code above the place of the image file for privacy. Any thoughts on this please? Thanks I am not a fan of popup panels because I do not like them very much But I think they are restricted to HTML widgets in UIIP and Google as a list of authorized HTML tags has been published in this context. The list is as follows: B, ...

java - Maven use properties into relativePath -

मेरे पास एक मैवेन प्रोजेक्ट है जो एक मॉड्यूल (सबप्रूोजेक्ट) का संदर्भ देता है, उपप्रोजेक्ट में पेरेंट सेपरिवैप वाला पिनर कोड होता है जो ../ pom.xml और जब मैं अपने डेवलपर मशीन से निर्मित करता हूँ, तो सभी ठीक काम करते हैं। मेरे एसवीएन पर फ़ोल्डर संरचना थोड़ा अंतर है, मेरे सबप्रोजेक्ट फ़ोल्डर में ट्रंक फ़ोल्डर और इस फ़ोल्डर के अंदर मेरे स्रोत हैं। एसवीएन पर मेरा फ़ोल्डर संरचना: परियोजना | | - pom.xml | - उपप्रोजेक्ट | - ट्रंक | - pom.xml | - src अगर मैं अपनी सीआई (टीमसिटी) सर्वर पर अपनी परियोजना का निर्माण करना चाहता हूं रिश्तेदार पद से ../../ pom.xml को बदलने के लिए। क्या ऐसा करने के लिए अन्य समाधान हैं, बिना संपादित करें pom.xml? क्या मैं कमांड लाइन से एक संपत्ति को रिश्तेदार पाथ पास कर सकता हूं? मैंने इस तरह की कोशिश की है लेकिन मेरी इनपुट संपत्ति पर ध्यान नहीं दिया गया है। धन्यवाद यदि आप "mvn install -pl।" पहले माता-पिता पोम वाले फ़ोल्डर पर (यानी, आपके एसवीएन संरचना में प्रोजेक्ट डायरेक्टरी से) फिर अपने उपप्रोजेक्ट का एक मेवेन बिल्ड करें, उपप्...

Undefined behavior when passing C++ objects to C routine -

update I've found that if I pass in the context by the manufacturer I do this, it fixes the problem in A.cpp! i.e. get information (vector & lt; double & gt; and amp0; vector & lt; double & gt; & amp; arg1 ...) , but what is the reason ? Update Actually I want to call some code from c ++. As explained in the C manual, to avoid using the global variable, "Futile * FDATA" is provided to receive additional information, if none, then tap it Pointing at int f (unsigned nandy, unsigned npts, const double * x, zero * fdata, unsigned fdim, double * fval); Now I have to go through the "F" packing some C + objects and through this FDAATA logic, the way I could imagine that it was a class "Infops" Define, and pass it to C. Caratine My C ++ snippet (e.g. A CPP and BQP, A does not work properly, while B is fine): // example eg .cpp #include "Cubature.h" // c library which includes cubature #include "ex...

objective c - iOS how to reset NSURLCredential for a given server or make my app forget it ever spoke to that server? -

I'm looking for a way to implement that to talk to my web app with a given server is using . There is a way for me to "reset" the NSURLCredential ssl for a given server trust and forcing the whole handshaking process to replicate the use of different sets of credentials ? In other words, I want my web app to forget it and talk to this server anytime. I think the code snippet below is retrieving the credentials I have previously evaluated. - (zero) customHTTPProtocol: (CustomHTTPProtocol *) Protocol didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge: (NSURLAuthenticationChallenge *) Challenge {NSURLCredential * Credential = Nil; SecTrustRef Trust; NSURLProtectionSpace * protectionSpace = challenge.protectionSpace; If you are referring to trust by ([protectionSpace.authenticationMethod isEqualToString: NSURLAuthenticationMethodServerTrust]) // // We confirm that we have a certificate that this certificate has it, remove the SecTrust object from the challenge, that is / Our trus...

javascript - Not able to launch a pdf file in inappbrowser in android -

When a user clicks on a link, then I need to show a PDF in the InputIt is working fine in iOS , But is not working on Android. I am using IBM Vernal for my project, I use the code below: ("pdfURL", "_ blank", "location = yes"); Launches the InAppbrowser in iOS and displays the PDF, but the introduction of the Epobox in Android but no content is displayed So Android is going to fail. In Android, you have 2 options: View the file using Google Docs By storing the file on a remote server and redirecting the user such as: (encoded ('https: // docs. '),' _blank ',' location = yes, enableViewPortScale = yes'); Or use a Cordova plug-in for example (you can search Google for more) For that, you have to learn You can read more options here:

excel - Sendkeys will not run in middle of macro -

I am trying to use VBA to draw data from Hyperion (I'm new to VBA) I have to select the cell range on sheet 1, "press" Alt, X, S, R, allow it to draw data, then go to the next sheet and repeat. The problem I am facing is that the macro runs through the tab and highlights the cells as needed, although the sender (all five instances) will run at the end of the full macro instead of each step. Any help would be appreciated. The macro is exactly the same as 1-5 different sheet names. I currently have the code: sub-runael macros () macro 1 macro 2 macro 3 macro 4 macro 5 and all all macro 1 () select range ( "C5: H15"). Select range ("H15") to activate selection. Clear Content Range ("A1: H15"). True SendKeys ("s"), True SendKeys ("r"), True application.Wait (now + # 12: Select "R"), True SendKeys ("x" 00: 01 AM #) End Sub Try this amendment. Dim Dietil Double Sands ("% (Xsr)"), Tr...

wordpress - Remove meta box from taxonomy editing screen -

मैं मेटा बॉक्स को जोड़कर जोड़ रहा हूं: फ़ंक्शन mw_remove_postboxes () {// WooCommerce स्क्रीन remove_meta_box ('wp-display-header', 'उत्पाद', 'सामान्य') से मेटाबोक्स निकालें; Remove_meta_box ('wp-display-header', 'shop_order', 'सामान्य'); Remove_meta_box ('wp-display-header', 'shop_coupon', 'सामान्य'); Remove_meta_box ('wp-display-header', 'acf', 'सामान्य'); // बैनर पोस्ट प्रकार प्रबंधन remove_meta_box ('wp-display-header', 'बैनर', 'सामान्य') से मेटाबोक्स निकालें; Remove_meta_box ('wpseo_meta', 'बैनर', 'सामान्य'); } Add_action ('do_meta_boxes', 'mw_remove_postboxes'); अब मुझे थोड़ा अलग ज़रूरत है, जहां मुझे संपादन-टैग.php स्क्रीन से एक मेटा बॉक्स को निकालना होगा /edit-tags.php?action=edit&taxonomy = विशेष और amp; टैग_आईडी = 22 और पोस्ट_प्रकार = पृष्ठ यह एक वर्गीकरण को संपादित करने का पृष्ठ है मुझे कस्टम पोस्ट प्...

Splitting string in javascript using RegEx -

Trying to use RegEx to split the following string: C = US, ST = NY, O = GOOGLE, Inc. " This objective O = GOOGLE, INC Your data appears to be of the form of the form Will be strongly enough: foo = bar, spic = span, a = bob \, fred that is, the key plus = val data, With Ram, so if the saved comma data is only , then you can use a simple form for 'key =' as part of your regexp. Capitals, then it works: s = "C = US, ST = NY, O = GOOGLE, INC" s.split (/, (? = [ i.e., split over a comma, if done after some capitals and one after the other. This will give you ["C = US "," ST = NY "," O = GOOGLE, INC "]

threadpool - Thread pools and context switching (tasks)? -

This is a fairly common computer science question and is not specific to any OS or framework I'm a bit confused with the overhead associated with task switching on a thread pool. In many cases, this does not have to mean to give every task to its specific thread (we do not want to make too many hardware threads), so we put these tasks into actions that can be determined to run on a thread. We set up a pool of threads and then dynamically allocate the work to run on threads taken from the thread pool. I'm just a bit confused on the overhead associated with switching functions (in a thread pool) (no answers can be found in depth). A DrDobbs article (sourced below) tells this, but I need to answer in depth what exactly is going on (a quote-qualified source would be fantastic :)). As per the definition, some work should be queued in the pool and then run on a separate thread from the original thread. This means that we essentially put the overhead and a reference switc...

iOS Xcode issue with CameraViewController when I click on a photo to choose it -

Expecting for some insights when I run simulator on iPhone 6 iOS 8 or iPhone 4S iOS 8.0.2 , Then I have a problem with the encoded app. The problem is that when I click on my photos tab, the image picker code works fine in both situations (camera simulator for accessing camera ViU controller and Photo Library for Camera) - (zero) ViewVillagePaper: (BOOL) Animated [[Super Viewer: Animated]; _imagePicker = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init]; Self.imagePicker.delegate = self; Self.imagePicker.allowsEditing = Yes; If ([UIImagePickerControllerSourceType is available: UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera]) {self.imagePicker.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera; } And {self.imagePicker.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary; } Self.imagePicker.mediaTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: (NSString *) kUTTypeImage, zero]; [Self-present ViewController: animated self.imagePicker: not complete: zero]; } Then when I click on a photo in the simulator ...

eclipse - how to do interactive debug on nodeclipse -

I have installed kepler 2 on Windows 7 with the latest nodeclippers installed and running with NodesJ when I debug, I do not understand why I can not go into the console box to see the values ​​of variables (like in pydev). This tells me to use "Expression View" but What is the method to enter Eclipse's interactive console to get output with the Nodeclip plugin? What has been installed in my Eclipse Besides, I know that there is a separate interactive console (see image), but I can not enter anything there, do I have some plugins missing? I tried to install the eclipse plugin - chromatates and nothing else. Nodeclip is already sent with chromedevtsol (0.3.9 vs Google chromedevolol which was 0.3.8) Is there a way to get access to Interactive Console of Eclipse to get output with the Nodeclippers plugin? It should be tested and / or developed BTW: Right-click the indicated Perspective tab panel and select hide text. Toolbar panel will be more com...

java - How to Call a GWT method whenever an Async RPC is Made -

I have a website that uses GWT which is safe with the time of spring ... let's talk an hour Are there. As part of the process, I'm trying to apply client-side session timeout warning to 5 minutes before the end of the session. I have JavaScript written, which uses cookies. The timer works to set the timer initially, and there is a method to reset the timer which can be used through the native methods in GWT. Function Reset session timeout () {// Update cookie for updates Timeout var date = New date (); Var Timeout Time = 55 * 60 * 1000; Date.SetTime (date.getTime (+ timeouttime); Make cookie ('timeout', date.getTime (), 1); } Whenever an RPC server is performed, the server-based session timeout is refreshed, so the initial timer is no longer accurate after using any async call. The above mentioned activity will update the client side with the correct time expiration time. The option that definitely works is to call the natives who call $ wnd.resetSessionT...

java - How do I set an environment variable in a YARN Spark job? -

Using an AccumuloInputFormat , trying to reach a job (written in Java) I am newAPIHadoopRDD . To do this, you have to ask me to locate the ZooKeeper by calling AccumuloInputFormat by calling the setZooKeeperInstance method. This method takes a client configuration object which specifies the various relevant properties. I considered the ClientConfiguration object static loadDefault method to look for a client.conf file in different locations on this method , Which is loading its default. This is such a place which is going to see $ ACCUMULO_CONF_DIR / client.conf . Therefore, I am trying to set the ACCUMULO_CONF_DIR environment variable in this way that there is a way that when the spark works, it will appear (for reference, i yarn -cluster trying to run in deployment mode) I have not found any way to do this yet. So far I have tried: Calling setExecutorEnv ("ACCUMULO_CONF_DIR", "/ etc export in ACCUMULO_CONF_DIR s... mvc - MVC website CORS -

I have a button on a watch page, which does a postback that clicks the button. Do I have to implement CORS for this scenario? Does it come under a single basic policy? My JS file contains the code $ ('# submitBtn'). Click (function () {form.action = '/ go / signin'; form.submit ();}}); If it's in the same domain, you do not need to handle the corse is; The call only happens when you are requesting outside your domain for excellent viewing or see.

javascript - How do I select the first child of a parent element? -

I am trying to choose the first child of a basic element with pure javascript and changing its CSS properties I am I've tried the .firstChild and .childNodes [1] methods but they do not work on this CSS nth-child () selector's But I want to do it with Javascript for better browser support. Example: HTML & lt; Div class = "daddy" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "child" & gt; I want to choose this child and want to change this css property. & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "hair" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "hair" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "hair" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; papa '); Var d = x.firstChild; // and x.childNodes [1] = "5em"; CSS Father: nth-child (1) {width : 5em; } Any help would be appreciated. For better browsers, click cross-browser...

form helpers - CakePHP 3.0 - How to create a postLink with confirmMessage? -

I started working in CakePHP 3.0 (beta) today. In KPHP 2.0, there was an option for this to add a confirmation message to a post link, clicking on the link will warn you. More information about postlink in CakePHP 2.0: More information about postlink in CakePHP 3.0: > Confirmation message ran in version 3.0 Has anyone been aware that there is an option for this in KPPHP 3.0? It has not been, it now has an option named Confirmation : $ this-> form-> See also / P>

php - MYSQL Query not able to pull data from Database -

The problem I have is that my query: SELECT * to the Administrator Administrator WHERE nombre_administrador =? And password =? Nothing is pulling from the database. var_dump Shows: public 'Infect_rows' = & gt; Blank, public 'insert_id' = & gt; Nulled public 'num_rows' = & gt; Blank Public 'param_count' = & gt; Null public 'field_count' = & gt; Weak public 'error' = & gt; Weak public 'error' = & gt; Null public 'error_list' = & gt; Zero public 'sqlstate' = & gt; Weak public 'id' = & gt; Null login.php & lt ;? Php class login {// MySQL connection to personal variable $; Private $ sql; Private $ table mister; // Field variable private $ pass; Private $ name; Public function __construct () {// Get the name of the table and make connections $ this-> Mysqli = UniversalConnect :: doConnect (); // Get data from HTML form- it-> Name = $ _ POST ...

c# - ListView Object and Passing data to the next View in Xamarin Form -

I have gathered all the information for each of my customers and want to populate CustomerID information on my initial view, which list The scene is I. However, I think I am at the top of a level of the object and I do not know how to get the customer ID information on my listView. Private IEnumerable & lt; IDictionary & lt; String, Object & gt; I also want to pass related item object information in the next view. & Gt; My Information; List & lt; Customers & gt; List = new list & lt; Customers & gt; (); Var listView = new ListView (); [String] customers ["company name"], (string) customers ["contact name"], (string) customers ["customer id"], (string) customers ["customer id"] [list] customers ["address"] [String] customers ["area"], (string) customers ["postal code"], (string) customers ["city"], (string) customers ["fax"], ])); } ListView.ItemsSource = ...

How can I set Html5 Canvas FillStyle with dynamic pattern and color -

I want to dynamically set a color and pattern using the HTML5 canvas. Pattern one. PGG image is when I search the subject, then I found that you can not add fillStyle = pattern and fillStyle = color canvas size only one of them. I want to dynamically move one color in the background and image pattern. it's possible? Any ideas will be appreciated. >" alt = "Enter image details here"> Example code and demo: var canvas = document.getElementById (" canvas "); Var ctx = canvas.getContext ("2D"); Var cw = canvas.width; Var ch = canvas height; Var img = new image (); Img.onload = start; Img.src = ""; Start the function () {ctx.beginPath (); Ctx.arc (150, 150, 130, 0, Math.PI * 2); Ctx.closePath (); Ctx.fillStyle = 'Lime'; Ctx.fill (); Var pattern = ctx.createPattern (IMG, 'repeat'); Ctx.fillStyle = Pattern; Ctx.fill ();...

python - Thread is not terminating -

Can someone tell why the thread is not finished .. import System, threading, select class MyMaster (threading.Thread): def __init __ (self, event_stop): super (mimster, self) .__ init __ (name = 'MyMaster') self.event_stop = event_stop def run (self): # User is waiting for the keyboard (self.event_stop.isSet (): # Always waiting on selection if sys.stdin is ([sys.stdin], [], [], 0 ): Ch = (1) # Print "You have entered:", repr (ch) if ch == 'a': #do Content Ig elif ch == 'h': #do content elif ch == 'p': #de stuff elif ch == 'R': #do Content other: Print "Breaking ........... ........................... .... "Break Print" done "Def Stop (self): Self. Event_stop.set ( ) Try: event_stop = threading.Event () # master master = MyMaster (event_stop) master.start () is creating event_stop.wait () Master.stop () print threading. Excluding NMNET (): traceback.print_exc () You can see t...

properties - How do I use a user environment variable in gradle.properites -

एक gradle कार्य में मैं इस तरह एक रास्ता बना सकता हूँ: System.env। FOLDER_PATH + '/ subFolder' लेकिन मैं इसे अपने में सेट करना चाहूंगा, इसलिए यह कुछ ऐसा होगा subFolderPath = $ {System.env.FOLDER_PATH} / सबफोल्डर लेकिन मुझे इसके किसी भी उदाहरण नहीं मिल रहा है, क्या यह संभव है? एक सादा जावा गुण फ़ाइल है। इसमें केवल शाब्दिक कुंजी / मान जोड़े शामिल हो सकते हैं।

java - Match a Word which is not followed by a parenthesis for the rest of the string -

मेरे पास ऐसा स्ट्रिंग है: ((blah blah AND) (blah AND Blah) और अच्छे और शून्य और (ब्लाह और ब्लाह) मैं केवल उन "और" से मेल खाना चाहता हूँ जो किसी भी कोष्ठक के बाहर हैं, जो केवल बाहरी और मैं इस्तेमाल किया regex था: और (?!)) और परिणाम था: मैं यहाँ परिणाम का एक स्क्रीनशॉट अपलोड करने के बारे में सोचा था, लेकिन इतना doesn जब तक यह तब तक अनुमित नहीं करता जब तक कि '' 'तुरंत' का पालन नहीं किया जाता है लेकिन यह बाकी के एंड एस के साथ मेल खाता है। दोबारा, मैं आदर्श रूप से एक regex को केवल और जो किसी भी कोष्ठक के बाहर होता है, जो बाहरी और है, से मेल खाने के लिए चाहते हैं। ध्यान दें कि मैं इसे जावा में कार्यान्वित कर रहा हूं और इसके regex कार्यान्वयन पुनरावर्ती regex का समर्थन नहीं करता है। तो यही कारण है कि मैं इस ढलान के समाधान का प्रयास कर रहा हूं मैं इसके लिए एक बेहतर और अधिक मजबूत समाधान की तलाश कर रहा हूं। एक स्टैक अच्छी तरह से यहाँ काम करेगा आप को कोष्ठक की गणना करने के लिए एक चर सेट करके एक अनुकरण कर सकते हैं। बाएं कोष्ठक के लिए 1 और दा...

c# - Pointer address of intptr -

Sorry to ask this silly question, but I am trying to get a GB address (indicator) running in a remote process. . The address is saved in type type intptr, but when I print the value I get a huge int. How can I convert it to 0x00000 etc? Example Code: Public UIT GetModuleBase (string _modelum) {MODULEENTRY32 me32 = new MODULEENTRY32 (); IntPtr hSnapshot = IntPtr.Zero; Me32.dwSize = (UIT) system.rintime.interop services. Mrishal Size off (May 32); HSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32 snapshot (0x00000008, this.processId); // can we start looking? If (! Module32First (hSnapshot, ref me32)) {CloseHandle (hSnapshot); Return 0; } // Tell all the modules till we find what we are searching for, or until each one of them is checked ( (May 32.szModule, _moduleName)! = 0 & Amp; Module32Next (hSnapshot, ref me32)) {Modules.Add (me32.szModule, me32.modBaseAddr); } // close the handle (hsnapshot); // Check whether the module handle has been found and will return it if (string 32. ...

android - Scrollbar for every view (View class)? -

I was just reading some stack overflow threads about large scrolling scenes compared to parents. Everywhere for this, ScrollView or HorizontalScrollView is used, but what amazed me is why there are methods and XML properties for scrolling in each single scene? For example, IM currently has an overriding method oncroll switch () View class, I mean that every view can have a scrollbar? Because the scene is a square / object. For the expansion of the public point exam, see {} For this, it is very clear to see the methods for each of the visual examples of the object. right?

.net - Run-time error '380' Invalid Property Value -

I am in the process of switching from Microsoft Windows XP Professional to Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition. An executable that is running fine on XP but throws an "invalid asset value" error at run time on server 2003. According to the following link ... To edit the resolution source code that I do not have access to. Has Microsoft ever released another improvement for this error or is there any way to make both platforms completely compatible? "A later version of MSMASK 32.OCX is installed. The error is MSMASK32.OCX version 5.00.3714, which is with Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0." Will there be no old version or such version Which will work? Thanks for any information. Quick Google Search found version 6.00.8418:

How to write an array object/element to a table in Javascript -

My title is not using the correct terminology for this question but this is what I would like to do. (I'm still new to javascript so that is looking for a basic method) Before I have to make my table using javascript, then I should take an array object / element and call it "table" Will have to write on cell I say "write" because I'm not sure that this is the correct word. Here is an example of this code with which I'm working: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; / * & Lt ;! [CDATA [* / var day = []; The day [0] = "Monday" document. Written ("& lt; Table & gt;") document. Written (" "** What syntax I" day [ 0] "here **" & lt; / tr & gt; ") document.write (" ") / *]] & gt; * / & Lt; / Script & gt; Try & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; / * & Lt ;! [CDATA [* / var day = []; Day [0...

website - Is there any way to determine a users DNS servers from a web page? -

I'm curious how can I locate a user DNS server from my website. Is there any way to know? Any possible way? Until the user starts the request from your server, then the DNS lookup is already finished (Or they do not know the address of your server) I think it is theoretically possible to misuse JavaScript or other content to break the security of the user and try to bring its configuration data, but I doubt that There will be a lot of help about

c# - Avoiding a null reference exception on a variable in a foreach loop that could be null -

I have a Quattree whose withdrawal method, and every time I remove an item from the game, Call me The problem is that in the foreach loop, the hair variable is zero. How can I disrupt this method if this variable is redundant then it will not give me any errors? Private zero is narrowed (rectangular in node). {If (child == zero) {return; } While (child.Items.Count> gt; {} {MoveUp (child.Items [0]); }} Node. Hair = null; } Here is the remove method. Remove private zeros (rectangular nodes, item items) {node.Items.Remove (item); item. Original = null; While (node! = Null) {node.ItemCount--; If (node.imit Marks & lt; 6) {CollapseChildren (node); } Node = node. Parent; }} If the value is empty then I should not loop through the children in the nodes. Children because if I loop I find that there is no child in the meaning of error node on child variable. You are already checking that each child is Null . If any nodes {If (node.children == null) retur...

javascript - Require user to choose 'boy' or 'girl' -

I am trying to answer the question to my user "Are you a boy or a girl?" With one of those two options and forcing them to choose one or the other. I think I am going in the right direction, but whenever I run my code, when I choose the second option, this hitchie What am I doing? var gender = sign ("Are you a boy or a girl?"). ToLowerCase (); While (gender! == ("boy" || "girl")) {gender = sign ("please only respond to the boy or girl now, are you a boy or a girl?"); } appropriate status will be (gender! == 'boy' & gender! == 'girl') { That's because ("boy" || "girl") always " Boy ", so the looks like while while (gender! == 'boy') . In this case || is called "default" operator, logical or a stunning use. If the value on the left is true, then it will use the value to the left. Otherwise, it will evaluate (hence "default") on ...